WSU Clark County Extension

PNW Plants Searchable, categorized images

Leatherleaf Viburnum

Scientific name: Viburnum rhytidophyllum

Type:Evergreen shrubs
Plant Requirements
Zone:6 to 8
Sun:Partial shade to full shade
Plant Characteristics
Height:15 ft
Width:15 ft
Bloom:Spring flowers
Bloom Time:May
Bloom Color:White
Additional Characteristics



Wildlife value

Description Leatherleaf viburnum is grown for its distinctive evergreen foliage and showy late spring flowers. Home gardeners enjoy its adaptation to shade and use in a woodland setting.

Leatherleaf viburnum is an evergreen shrub which can grow 8’-15’ tall and as wide in an open, domed, coarse fashion. The fuzzy stems bear distinctively puckered leaves, dark green above, and brown felty underneath. Leaves are arranged in opposite pairs, and range in size from 3” to 6” in length, and 2” wide.

Leatherleaf viburnum blooms in May. The tiny flowers are yellowish white in color and are carried in dense terminal clusters 6” to 8” across. Flowers give rise to red berries (known as drupes) which latter ripen to shiny black. Song birds enjoy the fruit during the winter.

This evergreen shrub does well on a range of soil types. It prefers well drained, moist soil. As for exposure it prefers partial shade, and can withstand dense shade. The large leaves are susceptible to wind damage so plant this species in a sheltered location.

This evergreen can be planted alone or in a row to form a screen or border.

No serious pest or disease problems.
For assistance, contact Dr. Charles Brun (, (360) 397-6060 5701
Computing and Web Resources, PO Box 6234, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6234