WSU Clark County Extension

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Shasta Daisy

Scientific name: Leucanthemum superbum

Type:Herbaceous perennials
Plant Requirements
Zone:4 to 9
Plant Characteristics
Height:3 ft
Width:2 ft
Bloom:Summer flowers
Bloom Time:May to August
Bloom Color:White
Additional Characteristics



Wildlife value

Description Shasta daisies have long been considered a mainstay of the perennial border or cutting garden and provide beautiful white flowers starting in May and continuing well into late summer.

The popular Shasta daisy is a robust herbaceous perennial which grows 2’-3’ tall, depending upon the cultivar grown. Forming a bushy clump that often grows 2’ wide, Shasta daisy will set ray and disk flowers (white petals, with golden yellow discs) that can be 2”-5” across. Flowers at their peak in July and are held high above atop glossy dark green leaves 8”-12”long arranged in a basal rosette. Laves are strap shaped, nearly evergreen, and rather thick.

Full sun is best for most Shasta daisies. A neutral or higher soil pH is optimum, as is a well drained site.

Shasta daisies are used in mixed perennial borders. Their eye catching clean white flowers brighten up any flower bed or border. They are effective in masses, small groups and as singles. The cut flowers last several days. To extend the bloom de-head spent flower clusters as they wilt down.

No serious insect or disease problems.
For assistance, contact Dr. Charles Brun (, (360) 397-6060 5701
Computing and Web Resources, PO Box 6234, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6234